Trials In Tainted Space Mimbrane Trust

Big mimbrane nerfs. Kiro’s trust now stays locked at 100 after saving her from Doctor Po. Art Trials in Tainted Space. In my experience, the best way to deal with this problem is to save edit their feeding, trust, and time since fed stats into syncronization once you get a full mimbrane set. Short of a few special cases (leveling up, dreams, recovering from Mierrin's soreness), differences between sleeping and resting are negligible anyway.

Initial Lust15
  • 4Interactions
    • 4.8Combat


Parasitic creature that can be encountered in the wilds of Mhen'ga's jungles.

Trials In Tainted Space Membrane Trust Foundation


A Mimbrane is flying around you, resembling a slick and smooth cloth at times. The parasite is incredibly thin, appearing not any thicker than a quarter of an inch tall. What it lacks in depth it makes up in diameter, though; it easily sizes up to around a couple square feet. The Mimbrane’s moist, oily skin occasionally glistens in the surrounding light, sometimes appearing slightly translucent as its stretches its lithe form. The creature’s face is hard to make out a times, little more than two small eyeballs and a slightly protruding mouth that contrast somewhat to the rest of the beast’s uniform appearance.

History/Personality/Information of Note

A Mimbrane has a small mouth where it ingests fluids and breathes from. Its most important organ is its skin, which it uses to move around and morph itself. While it is impervious to blunt attacks, contact with blades and projectiles may injure the creature. Mimbranes can exist in any habitat, but they usually prefer natural wooded areas where they can find abundant sources of warmth and nutrients.

Mimbranes are usually shy and docile in nature, mainly because of the energy that one has to exert when in confrontations. If encountered to attack, it would have taken a Mimbrane months to have had enough nutrients reserved in order to use its lust attacks and have enough energy to move around. A hostile Mimbrane can attack with comparatively weak physical attacks, but it's main means of offense is targeting the opponent's carnal instincts, using lust-based attacks either through skin contact, lust-inducing projectiles, or smothering.

After subduing a target, the Mimbrane's sole objective is to attach itself onto a host, feed, and gradually reproduce, finding an appropriate body part to mimic and reside in and collecting liquid sustenance. They have an inherent trait of organ preferences, usually claiming genitals over other parts of the body, then anus, scrotum, breasts, and finally the exterior limbs. The face is usually avoided for practical and awareness reasons. Any infected part will show signs of the Mimbrane's presence, usually the creature's tiny eyes are visible.

Infected parts will seem to swell and expand after the Mimbrane feeds, growing larger with each feeding. After a certain amount of feedings, the Mimbrane will eventually 'shed' itself to ultimately reproduce another Mimbrane, replicating the form of the body part it currently occupies. The fresh Mimbrane offspring will slowly gain some semblance of sentience and reshape to it's natural form and instinctively wander off to find food and a potential new host.

Due to the evolution of its survival habits and behavior, a Mimbrane will act as patient, polite, and as unintrusive as possible, desiring to gain the trust of their hosts in order to not be removed by force. Mimbranes have simplistic intelligence and are capable of communication, usually between other Mimbranes, through squeaks and chirps. Once a high bond between parasite an host is reached, the Mimbrane may use its previously-latent offensive techniques to work in the host's favor and in turn heighten it's chances of survival. Multiple Mimbranes in possession of a single host will usually work together to make sure they are all properly fed, giving them a social aspect to their sentience, however this trait is unique to attached Mimbranes and not typical to those found alone in the wild. Regardless of their host, Mimbranes will usually ally themselves with other Mimbranes even during encounters with hostile Mimbranes.

If an attached Mimbrane is ever removed from a host's body part, it will perish due to shock, because of the nature of the parasite's integration with its host's nervous system. Because of the creature's defensive capabilities, unaided removal is highly discouraged. An anaesthesiologist may be the best approach to removing Mimbranes. There is rarely any lasting damage to hosts.


A mimbrane is hostile on encounter and will engage Captain Steele in combat. Its main focus is to attach itself to a host in order to survive, so it will try to defeat Steele for that purpose.

If Steele already has a mimbrane attached to the body, encounters with other mimbranes will change based on how many mimbranes are living on the body and each of those mimbrane's current hunger and trust levels. Interactions between parasite and host will also dynamically change based on these variables as well, both in and out of combat, and even during sleep.


Mimbranes may have a chance to attach onto Steele after Steele loses to it in combat and certain conditions are met. The attachments will follow a hierarchy, because of the mimbrane's nature, genitals take priority, then the anus, scrotum, breasts, and the exterior limbs.

Condition Change
  • Has Penis(es)
  • No 'Mimbrane Cock'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Cock'
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • No 'Mimbrane Pussy'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Pussy'
  • No 'Mimbrane Ass'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Ass'
  • Has testicle(s)
  • No 'Mimbrane Balls'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Balls'
  • Has breast(s) at A-cup or larger
  • No 'Mimbrane Boobs'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Boobs'
  • No 'Mimbrane Hand Left'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Hand Left'
  • No 'Mimbrane Hand Right'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Hand Right'
  • Has bipedal legs with feet and toes
  • No 'Mimbrane Foot Left'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Foot Left'
  • Has bipedal legs with feet and toes
  • No 'Mimbrane Foot Right'
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Foot Right'
  • Lowest Mimbrane Trust at level 2 or more
  • No 'Mimbrane Face'
  • Choosing Go ahead to accept
  • Gain 'Mimbrane Face'

If highest mimbrane trust is 2 or more, the newly attached mimbrane will start with a trust level of 1; otherwise, the trust level will be 0 by default.


A mimbrane can be fed during sexual encounters. Whenever a partner cums a load of fluid on affected locations of the host, mimbranes that occupy the Pussy, Ass, Face (mouth), or Boobs (nipples) will be fed 1 Feeding. If the host orgasms during sex, mimbranes that occupy the Cock and Pussy will be fed 1 Feeding for each orgasm.

For all mimbranes, if lust is high enough and at least one mimbrane is hungry, Steele can choose to 'feed' any and all hungry mimbranes attached to the body through a masturbation sequence accessed from the 'Mimbranes' option in the 'Appearance' menu.

  • Cock Feed - Feed the Mimbranes 3 Feedings using male ejaculate.
    • Has Penis
  • Vag Feed - Feed the Mimbranes 3 Feedings using female ejaculate.
    • Has Vagina

A mimbrane can sustain itself for a day after each feeding. When a mimbrane is up to 15 Feedings, it is full and will not accept anymore feedings, though it may still undergo a hunger state afterwards. The full mimbrane's feeding will reset back to normal after the host sleeps, allowing the excess mass of the mimbrane to detach itself and leave the host's body.

Choosing to feed a hungry mimbrane will have detrimental effects on Steele's overall willpower. Steele will loose a certain amount of willpower based on each mimbrane's current Feedings:

Feeding Penalties
0 to 2 -0.2
5 to 7 -0.2
10 to 12 -0.2

Note that the value is independent for each mimbrane--the higher the number of hungry mimbranes there are, the higher the total loss of willpower will be.

The willpower losses will be regained after the mimbranes have been removed from Steele's body entirely.


Sleeping with full mimbranes (mimbranes with 15 Feedings) will allow each of those mimbranes to reproduce. The reproduction is tracked for that mimbrane and will increase the mimbrane's Trust level by 1 after a certain period of cycles:

1 1
2 2
3 3
5 4

Note: The number of times reproduced resets after a new level of Trust is gained, so the reproduction cycle count is not cumulative but rather consecutive. Reproduction tracking continues indefinitely after the 4th level, however.

Killing a mimbrane in combat while having mimbranes attached will lower all attached mimbranes' trust levels by one.


If Steele has a face mimbrane and it has a trust level of 4 or more and a feeding level of 15 or more, and the total trust of all mimbranes on Steele's body is 24 or more, upon sleeping, there is a 1/4 chance the mimbranes will wake Steele and force Steele to cum. Steele can choose to Accept or Refuse the urges.

If Steele accepts, the mimbranes will sap 1 willpower from Steele in order to cum. The mimbranes will not try attempt to force Steele again after 3 days from the incident.

If Steele has a willpower quotient of 75% or more and chooses to refuse, the Mimbranes will respect Steele's strength and Steele will adopt the 'Mimbrane Symbiosis' perk. With this perk, the mimbranes will no longer drain Steele's willpower with each feeding--however, they should perform normally as usual.


Aside from willpower changes after feeding, attached mimbranes will also change the affected body part in proportion to each feeding.

Condition Change
  • Has 'Mimbrane Cock'
  • Has Penis
  • Increase length and thickness of main penis
  • Has 'Mimbrane Vagina'
  • Has Vagina
  • Increase looseness and wetness of main vagina
  • Has 'Mimbrane Ass'
  • Increase looseness and wetness of anus
  • Has 'Mimbrane Balls'
  • Has testicle(s)
  • Increase cum multiplier and ball size
  • Has 'Mimbrane Boobs'
  • Has breast(s) at A-cup or larger
  • Increase breast size
  • Has 'Mimbrane Face'
  • Increase lip size

Sleeping while a mimbrane has maximum feedings will trigger a scene where a new mimbrane is produced from that particular mimbrane, reverting the affected body part back to its original size/state, more or less, since it may leave some additional growth behind. If the reproduced mimbrane's trust is high enough, Steele may notice the growth with an expanded description of the scene.

Feet with attached mimbranes will block any transformation attempts away from the feet (legs included)--this may include other body parts as well. Like most parasite attachments, the affected body part may refuse to change when another transformation is being applied to it. To remedy this, the parasite must be removed before applying the new transformation.

Status Effects

Other options in the 'Mimbranes' menu also include:

  • Sweat: On/Off - Toggle Mimbrane sweating.
    • Any Mimbrane with Level 3 Trust
  • Spit: On/Off - Toggle Mimbrane lust-spitting attacks during combat.
    • Any Mimbrane with Level 4 Trust
  • Face Hide / Face B.Marks / Lip Pc.Ing - Swap face Mimbrane disguises (Hide, Beauty Marks, Lip Piercings).
    • Face Mimbrane with Level 4 Trust

Currently, mimbranes can only be removed by doctor facilities and must be removed entirely rather than piecemeal.

  • V-Ko can remove attached mimbranes after the 'Examination' and choosing 'Treat Mimbs' from her menu.
  • Dr. Lash can remove attached mimbranes after undergoing any of his 'Services'.
Trials in tainted space membrane trust pros and cons


Hostile Mimbranes

Hostile Mimbranes are immune to lust attacks.

Mimbrane combat actions include:

  • Scratch - Light physical attack.
  • Trip - Moderate physical attack.
  • Skin Contact - Light lust attack that does lust damage to the opponent.
  • Spit - Heavy lust attack.
  • Lust Cloud - Lust attack that does lust damage over time to the opponent.
  • Smother - Heavy lust attack that that deals constant lust damage to the opponent until freed.


  • 100% immunity to lust attacks
Trials In Tainted Space Mimbrane Trust

After losing to a hostile Mimbrane in combat, the Mimbrane can attach itself to a desired body part if it is not already occupied by a Mimbrane. A Mimbrane will attach to these specific body parts (in this order): Penis, Vagina, Ass, Testicles, Breasts, Left Hand, Right Hand, Left Foot, Right Foot, and Face.

Trials In Tainted Space Membrane Trust Act

If victorious to a hostile Mimbrane in combat, the Mimbrane can be killed or let go.

Attached Mimbranes

Any attached Mimbranes can have positive and negative effects in combat, dependent on their trust and hunger levels and the opponent being fought.

Negative Mimbrane combat actions: (Forces the host to skip a round.)

  • Hungry - Distraction from neglected Mimbranes.
    • Mimbranes that have not been fed in the past 4 days.
  • Mutiny - Distraction from mutinous Mimbranes, raising lust and using Lust Cloud on the host.
    • Mimbranes that are not trustful enough or fighting hostile Mimbranes.
  • Grope - Will force the host to self-grope genitals (if any).
    • Left or Right Hand Mimbranes that have Trust Level 2 or less.
  • Stumble - Will force the host to stumble.
    • Left or Right Feet Mimbranes that have Trust Level 2 or less.

Positive Mimbrane combat actions:

  • Bonus Attack - Hands will land an extra physical attack.
    • Left or Right Hand Mimbranes that have Trust Level 3 or more and have over 7 Feedings.
  • Bonus Evade - Feet will increase the chance to dodge.
    • Left or Right Foot Mimbranes that have Trust Level 3 or more and are not Hungry.
  • Lust Cloud - Lust attack that does lust damage over time to the opponent. When used, there is a potential to misfire and hit the host instead.
    • Enabled Sweat
    • Mimbranes that have Trust Level 3 or more.
    • 25% chance to use automatically during melee or ranged attack with a 20% chance of misfire during use.
    • Costs 3 Feedings per each attacking Mimbrane.
  • Spit - Heavy lust attack that deals drug damage to the opponent, with a possible misfire or a possible back-splash if it is a critical hit.
    • Enabled Spit
    • Mimbranes that have Trust Level 4 or more.
    • 40% chance to use automatically during a tease attack with a 10% chance of misfire during use.
      • If successful, 30% chance for a critical hit, resulting in some splash back.
    • Costs 5 feedings per each attacking Mimbrane, 10 feedings for a critical attack.

Attached Mimbranes will not use their cloud or spit attacks unless they have the proper amount of Feedings to spend for such attacks.

Trials In Tainted Space Membrane Trust Definition

Trials In Tainted Space Mimbrane Trust

Trials In Tainted Space Membrane Trust Pros And Cons


Aside from its parasitism, a Mimbrane will drop no loot or credits but is worth 20 XP.


When losing to a hostile Mimbrane in combat, the Mimbrane will force itself onto Steele. This type of sex scene will vary based on the Steele's anatomy.

When winning against a hostile Mimbrane in combat, if lust is high enough sex scenes may become available:

  • Mimbrane Fap - Use the mimbrane like a living sextoy. It's certainly slippery enough.
    • Requires a Penis.
Retrieved from ‘’

After defeating you she can direct Whore 3: Fucknarok.

(Note: CoC2 just got updated the other day as well! Check out their post below!)

Before anyone asks, yes, I did start to push the patch, then realize Gena138 had some things ready and hastily bumped the version number again… but that’s not all! B, author of such famed TiTS characters as Frosty the Frostywyrm, Paige, and Lorelei has been cranking away his asset theft game as well. You can check that out as well as some WIP text for TiTS/CoC2 projects on his Patreon as well!

0.8.082 & 0.8.083 Changelogs:

  • New loss scene for the zaika hydra for players with very large endowments (36″+), written & coded by yours truly.
  • New loss scene for the zaika hydra for players with feminine tail genitalia, written & coded by yours truly.
  • New busts for the zaika hydra by Adjatha! She’s a cutie, ain’t she?
  • New extranet date: Starchild! Written by The Biologist and coded by Gena138.
  • New rare drop on Dhaal – “Zil Nigh the Science Bi 2” video, written by Gardeford. Coded by Gena138 as well.
  • Mirrin DP now only checks for proper capacity, not gape. Doesn’t make any sense with a leithan buttslut with elasticity mods couldn’t do it.
  • Libido and taint stat minimums bumped back to 0… though I think I’m going to put libido back at 1 the more time I spend thinking about this.
  • Kaede now properly checks penis sizes for insertion during her dates.
  • Fixed a bold bleed in Bianca’s stealth sex.
  • Assorted typos fixed.

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